A gray day, and a smile
Many find gray days as depressing days. I usually find those days much more happier then normal sunny days. Why is that? Well, if you think about it....there is always a rainbow after the storm. Everything is more at peace, and green and fresh, something along the lines of a new beginning. Today seems like a new beginning. After posting one of the most thought out blogs, I came to see such an overwhelming support from strangers. Strangers who have yet to know my story and my struggles of today, and last years. I easily get overwhelmed with peoples kind words. One of the greatest possessions we hold as humans are words. They hold incredible power. I wish I could thank each and everyone of you for your kind words. I am reading each and every comment, and I haven't skipped one at all. I am telling you, this internet thing has some great power. So from the bottom of my heart, and from Ann, I would like to say thank you....Southern California has a bit of a gray weather today, and after I started to read the comments the sun seemed to shine bright. So thank you all....I will continue to read the comments now....well after I post another special blog. xx
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