The Estranged Relationship

The title is pretty self explanatory, but first I must give out the details. It's been obvious that I've had a hard time dealing with the passing of Ann. Her father and I did all the arrangements together and we were amicable throughout it all. Ann lived a life traveling back and forth from my house, to her dads house. This was the situation since she was 4 months old. How this all occurred will come to light one day, but for now I will leave it at that. Any whom, both of us were at her bedside till the day she passed away. So we had worked and talked about arrangements as early as we begun hospice care for Ann. After her services we seemed to still have a cordial relationship. We would communicate of anything Ann related would come up. But that soon seemed to change. One day I made a snarky remark about him having to cash in and care so much about Ann's life insurance, instead of mourning her passing. By May, probably a month after Ann's passing we were like two strangers. Our method of communication was his mother.
Regardless of this, I've learned to maintain a cordial and very warm relationship with his parents and other siblings.
Ann's father and I no longer speak. It's a shame and it's something that really bugs me. I tried to apologize and take the high road by expressing myself, yet that wasn't suffice. I was even kind enough to give him a fathers day card, and it was left at my child's resting place, yet nothing.
We are now complete strangers. As if we are water and oil. Two strangers who pretty much have nothing in common. It pains me to see things this way, and I try no to question this further. But how can two persons who were once linked by the most wonderful child end this way? It makes no sense. I miss how we could talk about Ann and the silly things that she would say or do.
Truth is, not all is peachy keen in the end. Two persons who lost the most precious thing in the world, lost something more in the end, a friendship with the memories who only both can share so close.


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